One of the things about living in a developing country is travel.
Roads can be non-existent, rough, impassable if it rains, or just dangerous. Travel by air is typically in airplanes discontinued long ago by larger airlines. My ministry in Ghana took a turn I did not expect and I am being asked to preach and teach in other cities around the country.
This means I have to fly to get there. There are two options, one of which is not an option in reality due to the horrible customer service and scary planes. So, I fly with African World Airlines. All of their planes are the same. They have twenty rows with two seats on one side, an aisle and one seat on the other. They park on the tarmac and you walk, or if you are in the largest airport in Ghana, take a people mover to it.
I recently flew. We took the people mover. On arrival everyone got off and walked to the only entrance to the plane, the stairs at the front. They were putting fuel in the next plane to us and the smell of it was heavy in the air. After five minutes of waiting in a human blob at the bottom of the stairs, they put us back on the bus. It drove to a spot 100’ or so away and parked with us on it. They gave no explanation. I watched. The reason they moved us was the same reason I smelled the fuel. There was a spill. I guess they figured the 103 degree heat would evaporate it soon enough. So, after someone subjectively determined risk of explosion was gone, they let us board.
I started this blog in midair. There is duct tape on the seat in front of me. The seat beside me has 1/2 of the pouch on the back of the chair ripped off and dangling against the leg of the woman in the row. My armrest is broken. We looked around and Patience said, “This is the only time I ever thought we really should turn our phones off or it might cause a problem.”
Here is the thing. I do not know the pilots. I do not know the maintenance people. Yet, I am in midair at 20,000 feet going two hundred miles an hour. Why? I trust the mathematics of aerodynamics. I trust the pilots have the knowledge and skill set necessary. As run down as the plane looks, I have faith in the governmental aircraft oversight and maintenance requirements. I simply believe I can get on this beat up old plane and in less than an hour be in my home city.
If we do this, and we all do it every day, if we blindly trust in human systems and engineering, why do we have such a problem trusting God?
Why is it I will trust math I do not know, yet doubt my Savior Who I do know?
Why do I believe the pilots have the necessary skills to do their calling, but God won’t give me the ability or gifts I need to do His?
I believe the main reason most Christians do not attempt great things for God is we do not trust Him. It is not we do not believe in ourselves. It isn’t about us. We do not believe God is big enough, strong enough, powerful enough or wise enough to use someone like me. I cannot do it, send Aaron.
It is time to get in the plane. God wants to take you somewhere incredible to do things unbelievable. Just trust Him and go.